GSRP » Hastings GSRP

Hastings GSRP

Great Start Readiness Program - Now Registering!!

Application Processing

The Great Start Readiness Program is a tuition-free, state grant-funded preschool program for at-risk four-year-old students. Please be aware that according to the new state guidelines, all children must be 4 on or before December 1st for the 2023-24 school year.

Hastings Area School System has programs at Central, Northeastern, Southeastern, and Star Elementary Schools.

Promote the Development of the Total Individual

The program is designed to promote the development of the total individual by helping each child to develop skills in the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive areas. This is accomplished by providing a balanced program that includes both teacher-directed and child-initiated activities, quiet as well as active experiences, and the recognition that learning occurs in both formal and informal settings, especially through play.

Required paperwork for Great Start Readiness Program is as follows:
  • Birth Certificate or other proof of age: copy of legal birth certificate, passport, hospital record, baptismal record or other government form.
  • Proof of County Residency Driver’s license, current utility bill, rent receipt, tax bill or land contract, currently homeless, a written letter from the shelter where you are living.
  • Verification/documentation of all family income (parents/guardians supporting child) must include the last 12 months of income.

    - Health Appraisal Form

    - Income tax form

    - Year to date paystub

    - Written Statement from employer

    - Proof of receipt of public assistance/food stamps/ WIC/childcare assistance

    - Proof of receipt of SSI

    - Child support

  • Immunization Record—immunization records need to be up to date before your child can attend preschool.

    All information must be received before eligibility can be determined. All of the information collected is required by state or federal preschool guidelines. Your information will help us to determine your child’s proper placement. Your information can be mailed or delivered to: