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Enrollment Form

Hastings Area Schools

Enrollment Form

Parent/Guardian must supply student's State Certified Birth Certificate, Immunization Record and Proof of Residency upon enrollment.

This will require you to come into the Administration Office at 232 W. Grand St., Hastings, MI 49058 after completing this form.


Enrolling in Hastings Virtual Learning Option*
Answer Required
Parents are:*
Answer Required
Is there a court order regarding custody/visitation? (Note: the school must have a copy of the court order to deny/release contact to a parent)*
Answer Required

Mailing Address (if different from home address) or Second Mailing Address to non-custodial parent (if applicable):

Do you live within Hastings City Limits (transportation is not provided inside of the city limits)?:*
Answer Required
At the time of enrollment, the child is a:*
Answer Required


Has the student ever been expelled or in the process of being expelled?*
Answer Required

If a student receives Special Education Services, they must also enroll at the Barry Intermediate School District, 555 W. Woodlawn Ave., Hastings, MI 49058. This must be done before the student can be enrolled in the school.

Has a Temporary Placement been signed at the Barry Intermediate School District?
Answer Required


Parent 1

Parent 2

List people (other than above parents) the school may contact in case of illness/and emergency.

They will also be allowed to pick up/transport your student.


Is this student Hispanic/Latino?*
Answer Required
What is the student's race? (Please check all that apply)*
Answer Required
Is the student's native language English?
Answer Required


Family Doctor

If student requires medication to be administered (including over-the-counter), please complete an "Authorization for Medication or Treatment" form in the office.


The student's current living arrangement:*
Answer Required
Is your address a temporary living arrangement and due to loss of housing or economic hardship?*
Answer Required
Is the student an unaccompanied youth? (resides without a parent/guardian)*
Answer Required



If your child should require medical attention and you can't be contacted, may school personnel obtain medical treatment for the student from the hospital's emergency room?*
Answer Required
I give permission for my child to attend school-sponsored programs during the school year when special programs are held in one school building or facility within the Hastings Area School System. I also give my permission for my student to be transported by bus to that site. Parents are notified of these events by the teacher or in a school newsletter.*
Answer Required
Students may be photographed or interviewed as part of a school-related activity promoting our school. We may use these promotional activities associated with Hastings Area Schools.*
Answer Required
Each year the District will provide public notice to students and their parents of its intent to make available, upon request, certain information known as "directory information". The School Board designates as student "directory information", a student's name; address; telephone number; date of birth; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; dates of attendance; date of graduation; awards received; or any other information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy, if disclosed. I give permission to include my child in this directory.*
Answer Required

Under penalty of perjury, I verify that all information given is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

This enrollment form does not complete your student's registration! You need to come into the Administration Office for K-12 to provide the official birth certificate, immunization records, proof of residency, hearing and vision screening (YK/K only) and sign forms.

Administration Office: 232 W. Grand St., Hastings, MI 49058

Any questions, call 269-948-4400.

Confirmation Email