District » MTSS


What is MTSS & PBIS?
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a framework in which data based problem solving and decision making is used to support student growth. This framework provides a process for HHS to support student learning and positive behaviors at school. It also provides a process for tracking student performance and delivering a range of interventions based on student need. MTSS helps HHS to deliver high quality evidence based classroom instruction that includes frequent progress monitoring. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) are used to prevent inappropriate behaviors through teaching and reinforcing appropriate behaviors. MTSS & PBIS are both grounded on providing differential instruction to all students.This model uses a three tiered system to deliver interventions to students. Tier I interventions focus of prevention and are delivered to all students. Tier II interventions are aimed at targeted groups of students (about 10-15% of the student body) and Tier III Interventions are focused on a few students (about 5% of the student body). Our Intervention Grid reflects all of the Tier II/III supports currently available at HHS. If you believe your child should be considered for one of these supports, please complete the Request for Assistance Form, which will be reviewed by our Interventions Team. 
Hastings Area School System is so proud to have our MTSS program recognized by the State of Michigan!
MiMTSS Recognition Award
Integrated MTSS Graphic